SIF 2019 focuses the Skillman approach to the design of curricula. In particular, the speeches and the workgroups put their attention to how to innovativate the curriculum design in the Advanced Manufacturing sector in coherence with ECVET – EQF framework and ESCO classification and how to interconnect and coordinate the actions and the results with the most relevant EU tools and initiatives for anticipating and matching skills and jobs.

The Skillman network proposes its own model for curricula development. This model has to be continuously updated and renewed to face the skills demand and changes of the labour market. The SIF 2019 is the annual occasion to discuss the Skillman model of curricula development and to share best practices and contributions among the Skillman members.

Specific workshops related to this topic will be held by the ECVET secretariat, by the ESCO members and by CEDEFOP researchers

SIF Background

  • The forum is not an individual action but is part of a long journey where the participants work together to realise common goals to improve education and TVET.
  • The meeting has a strong intellectual and ethical components.
  • The participants are not just concerned with economical, but with also social issues.



All the Skillman Forums base their topicts around “Curriculum design, Sectoral skills development and Ethical issues on Advanced Manufacturing sector”.

This year’s the Forum will take a holistic approach to continue a concrete debate about the anticipation and the preparation necessary for the Emerging Skills and Jobs, the different types of skills that employers are looking for and how the education and training systems are responding to these challenges.

The theme for the 2019 are set by the Forum Steering Committee as a continuation of the debate around:

  • Skillman ‘action driven’ model of CoVE – Nature, characteristics and settings of the Centres of Vocational Excellence promoted by the Skillman Network for a green and inclusive ‘game change’ in the advanced manufacturing and sectoral skills development.
  • Curriculum design – Innovative curriculum design in the Advanced Manufacturing sector in coherence with ECVET – EQF framework and ESCO classification and in interconnection and coordination of actions and results with the existing EU tools and initiatives for anticipating and matching skills and jobs.
  • Ethical values, green and inclusion – Capacity building synergies and collaboration to connect the competences necessary for Advanced Manufacturing to the personal responsibility according to the UNESCO 17 goals on sustainable development
  • Transnational mobility and learning – Supporting the cooperational model of the Skillman network with innovative approaches and exchange of good practices in transnational mobility for education and employability.



Skillman started its first International Forum in 2015 in Turin @ CRF – FIAT FCA with around 60 participants.

In 2016 the second event was planned in Brussels and cancelled due to the terrorist attack. The Forum was postponed to March 2017. Moved to Birmingham, in the Jaguar Land Rover premises, it was participated by around 150 participants plus around 100 live viewers on live streaming.

The official 2017 edition was instead held in November in San Sebastian with around seventy participants on site from 20 countries and more than 450 spectators on live streaming from also many countries outside EU.

In 2018 the forum was held online in November. The total participation surpassed height hundred subscriptions. 453 of them, from 105 countries, joined the thematic webinars.

in News
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 9 June, 2019
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