Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Digitalising Education (from the perspective of school management) × The COVID19 pandemic forced educational providers and governments into knee-jerk reactions to find alternative ways to continue education while maintaining social distance.... Education IVETA Skillman Webinar digitalisation event Feb 22, 2022
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo The use of Artificial Intelligence in TVET × Technology has advanced to such an extent that it brings new possibilities to education, from the perspective of both teaching and learning. Now that the Industrial Revolution has given... Artificial Intelligence Education IVETA Skillman TVET Webinar digitalisation event Jan 12, 2022
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Applying a gender perspective on WBL *Background and focus: * The aim of this webinar is to shed light on the main barriers hindering women’s access to WBL programmes around the world – especially in male-dominated sectors – as well as... Skillman WBL Work Based Learning event gender Aug 27, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Adaptive expertise * * *Background and focus: * Classroom situations around the world are becoming more and more diverse due to factors such as migration, multiculturalism, and inclusion. In order for educators to incre... Adaptive Expertise IVETA Skillman Aug 26, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Creating Effective Innovative Ecosystems An innovation ecosystem describes the complex set of relationships among very diverse actors and entities, which work for technology development and innovation in a territory. Amongst others, this inc... Innovative ecosystems Skillman Apr 19, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Innovation and farming: applications of Advanced Manufacturing in the food value chain As is the case in other industries, agriculture is currently making extensive use of data mobility, industry 4.0, and new technologies that unlock productivity and cost savings. High-tech solutions ar... Open Innovation Ecosystem Skillman Skills territorial approach Mar 26, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Ambitious Skills and Innovation Strategies: A territorial Approach In the context of regional innovation strategies, rural areas should play an essential role, not just as a source of raw material and places to locate space-intensive activities, but as genuine partne... Open Innovation Ecosystem Skillman Skills territorial approach Mar 25, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo TEACHERS TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS *Background and focus:* The event is organized in collaboration with the European Training Foundation. The event focused on understanding what the teachers’ needs are at school and individual level. F... Skillman Skills TEACHERS TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS Feb 10, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Technical and vocational education & training during times of lockdown & pandemic *Background and focus: * One of the challenges in Technical and Vocational Education and Training is that it is often associated with negative representations such as the difficulty to follow general... Lockdown Pandemic Skillman TVET VET Jan 28, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo New enthusiasm for vocational education & training: boosting self-confidence in young people The pandemic is hitting young people particularly. It is increasing the impact of social inequalities and the digital divide and is having an increasingly negative impact on youth mental health. The w... Self-confidence Skillman VET Young people future challenges in vocational education and training Jan 14, 2021
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo ETF: Digital Transformation of Learning - From quick reactions to advanced systems The objective of this webinar is to discuss how different countries and individual institutions have addressed the urgent need of setting up DTL systems, in the context of the pandemic, and how these ... Advanced systems ETF Learning SIF2020 Skillman digital transformation Dec 10, 2020
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Work-Based Learning curriculum development *Background and focus: * During the webinar international experts and practitioners will present different models of cooperation between TVET providers and WBL providers in relation to curriculum deve... Curriculum Skillman Work-based Learning Oct 27, 2020